The two male paintings are not of the same person. The last one was the last painting I did. I like that one the most out of all of them, because it seems to be more finalized. This model might come back for this weekend and I will decide if I will work with a new painting or develop this one further. Showing these together makes me realize I have been working.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
New Paintings from Open Sessions
The two male paintings are not of the same person. The last one was the last painting I did. I like that one the most out of all of them, because it seems to be more finalized. This model might come back for this weekend and I will decide if I will work with a new painting or develop this one further. Showing these together makes me realize I have been working.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Open Painting Atelier
It was hard to even get into my car to go. I realized though that my brushes were clean and my marks were more articulate. I was actually happy at the end. The model might come back. This won't be for a while though since we already have models booked for the next 3 weeks.
I enjoyed this painting the most
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday Open Painting Atelier-Mareo

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Art League of New Britain Specials via @constantcontact
Saturday, July 24, 2010
July 17-Open Painting at ALNB

Saturday, June 12, 2010
No Model: Bruce Sat Instead!

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Open Painting- David - A new model

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Brian-Watching a movie while I torture him...

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Open Painting -April 24, 2010
Chet Series: Painting #2

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Chet Series- Painting #1

This piece is on a 12" x 24" stretched canvas.
I have decided to creating distinct pieces of Chet.
It is the easiest way to start a series right now.
Chet is a constant model who I can consistently paint.
Chet will be posing again next weekend so I have some more time with this piece.
It got so thick and gook that I had to stop.
If I can finish this by 4/28/10, I will enter it into a show.
We only hope it is good enough to enter into any show.

Well, it is now 4/29/10, so the wish of finishing this by 4/28/10 is not going to happen!
I think I will be working on it more too at some point next week, because it needs to dry a bit before I touch it.
John-Open Painting

Another Saturday Open Painting session at Art League of New Britain. It was a good one in that I felt like I am progressing. I don't love the painting but I see how I am making sense of the colors in another way.
How am I making sense of the colors? I cannot pretend to know the answer. I picked up two books to figure it out but I believe this will take a lot of work time rather than book time!
John, the model, will be back in a couple weeks so that we can work on our paintings more. This is great, since I need to learn how to go back into a painting in order to solve its problems.
Problems: How do I refine the face without killing the life in the painting? How do I create active lines that have clear and distinct purpose? What is my purpose for this painting?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A painting of Chet-Again!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Pushing through to make more art:
Work through it!

I read an article in the "Art Calendar" called "The Gift of Persistence" by Matthew Daub.
The article specified that an artist's "talent" is not as important than their persistence, disciplined labor, and love of making art.
I find that one's skill comes from the consistant pursuit of one's art making. It is not easy yet everytime I work I am high on life. Although sometime while I am working I am also cursing! Just starting artmaking is the hardest thing for me to overcome.
Matthew Daub notes that an artist needs to:
1. set aside time everyday
2. make it a priority
3. keep a schedule
4. treat studion life as a job
But - he states that an artist needs to couple this time in the studio with time spent getting their work in front of the public. Even as a beginning artist it is important to apply to as many juried shows and get used to rejection.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Two Paintings In One Day

First is the one I did at the Art League of New Britain. I was so fustrated with how the colors were mixing. One person at the Open Painting said that it looked like I was using markers at first. Which proved to me that something was really wrong with how my painting was laying down on the canvas. Annoying but I did not give up, instead I kept on ruining it. Hey, you can't blame me for not trying!

I started this one at 8pm tonight while Chet watch the "Pirate Radio" movie on OnDemand. The light to his left or my right was making everything white while the rest of his face was darkened except for a very distant light behind me that caught a bit of his ear and side of his shoulder. I really like this, because it does a bit of what I was looking for. Pretty good for 2 hours.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Portrait of Mom: Sitting on Sunday

KudoSurf Me!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Portrait Painting Class with Jerry Weiss: The End

Monday, March 8, 2010
Portrait Painting Class w/ Jerry Weiss-Continued
Chet- Another Try
I was really trying to show that it was quite dark in the room and there was a bright light to his left (paintings right) and a distant light behind me which cast a bit on his ear.

I have to say that this photography though does not show it so much because the paint was wet and the flash bounced off of it making it look lighter on the left side of the painting then it actually was.. I might try photographing it again? We will see.
Self-Portrait- Torturous Work
I hate this painting. My mother said she would give my her 3 way mirror and I think I will have to take her up on it, because I obviously am having a hard time seeing myself. It is all contorted?

However, I think I am going to continue to work on it! Crazy, I know!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Portrait of Chet: Another Practice

Sunday, February 28, 2010
New Britain Art League- Open Atelier Painting Group Work

Thursday, February 25, 2010
David Black- Collaborative Painting Project
Jerry Weiss's Class-Portrait Painting