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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Two Paintings In One Day

I did not say either of the paintings were exactly finished or my best work but I did do two. Neither will I be "finishing". Again, these are only my 2-3 hours sketch paintings. These are not final works. They proove to test, fustrate, and completely stump me, because these paintings are exams or practice runs for what I hope to later be a series that I could be proud of? We will have to see about that.. but they sure do test me patience! That is for sure!

First is the one I did at the Art League of New Britain. I was so fustrated with how the colors were mixing. One person at the Open Painting said that it looked like I was using markers at first. Which proved to me that something was really wrong with how my painting was laying down on the canvas. Annoying but I did not give up, instead I kept on ruining it. Hey, you can't blame me for not trying!

I started this one at 8pm tonight while Chet watch the "Pirate Radio" movie on OnDemand. The light to his left or my right was making everything white while the rest of his face was darkened except for a very distant light behind me that caught a bit of his ear and side of his shoulder. I really like this, because it does a bit of what I was looking for. Pretty good for 2 hours.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Portrait of Mom: Sitting on Sunday

My mom was apprehensive in sitting, because she was worried about how she would be depicted.

She watched the movie " What women want" with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt while I rushed to paint her in less then 2 hours.
My goal was to block in the shades and plains while creating a harmonious color scheme.
I have been using a lot more paint ever since my class with Jerry Weiss at Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts. That means I finish work quicker and need to buy more supplies!!!
Oh the expense.. Fun!

My Zimbio
KudoSurf Me!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Portrait Painting Class with Jerry Weiss: The End

I expected not to accomplish something material out of this class but instead a sense of purpose afterward. The purpose is to resolve all the questions that came up as I worked. The only way to resolve these questions is to do more work... Yet I wonder if I will ever feel resolved or if this is a never ending cycle... Or is that what I love about painting and art, for that matter?
In my "day job", people say I have a knack for problem-solving. I tend to think that all my other "jobs" were to prepare me to solve my own problem.
The next class I signed up for, Figure Painting, is up in the air as to whether it will run this coming Wednesday but either way - I will be painting!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Portrait Painting Class w/ Jerry Weiss-Continued

I have two more classes to finish up this painting.

Here is what I have done so far in the past two weeks.

I thought I did not like it but I think the photograph makes it look better than in person.

Chet- Another Try

Since the only other person at my disposal who sits quite still, I must add, is Chet, I decided to do another painting of him. Again, this painting was quick-2-3hours.

I was really trying to show that it was quite dark in the room and there was a bright light to his left (paintings right) and a distant light behind me which cast a bit on his ear.

I have to say that this photography though does not show it so much because the paint was wet and the flash bounced off of it making it look lighter on the left side of the painting then it actually was.. I might try photographing it again? We will see.

Self-Portrait- Torturous Work

I wonder some times if I find enjoyment in torturing myself!

I hate this painting. My mother said she would give my her 3 way mirror and I think I will have to take her up on it, because I obviously am having a hard time seeing myself. It is all contorted?

However, I think I am going to continue to work on it! Crazy, I know!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Portrait of Chet: Another Practice

I feel like I am improving yet every time I look back at my work I see where I need much improvement. Especially on a day like today, after I have seen so many other who are masters at portrait painting. It is quite humbling to say the least!
I did this painting in about 3 hours. Fustration set in as I tried to find a way to make the darks dark and the lights light. In reality there was little light but the painting makes it seem like there was a lot. I don't know? I hope to learn the tricks!