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Monday, December 14, 2009

10 Oil Paintings from Photos: 1st

My Zimbio
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December 14, 2009

I choose a photo

I draw the photo 16" x 20" canvas paper.

I paint the photo over the drawing.

I sit in my studio (which is a large closet mind you) and watch usually the same movie over and over. I am amazed my husband has not gone crazy by now with the words "Bon Appetite!" sounding in the background.

When I started this project just 4 days ago, I thought it would take me a short time to paint. I was so wrong. I still don't like it but I have to go on to the other one.

My Zimbio

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  1. Pretty good likeness and great colors. Tha painting has that soft and glowing quality that kids seem to evoke.
    Me and my friend are about to start our own blog featuring figurative art, I'll let you know once I post some of my drawings/paintings.
    Thanks for inspiring me, I can totoally relate to your story.
